The bakery

The Patisserie is the oldest part of the company, founded in 1957 by Luigi Barroero, who, when he was just twenty, bought the bakery in the town of Roddi and learned the “white art”. The business was then carried on by Stefano, who already helped in the family business as a child.

In 1997 Stefano and Isabella bought the Cascina and moved the business here, in Cortemilia. What they had in mind was to create a complete cycle of hazelnut processing, from the field to the table. So they replaced the old Hazelnut groves and started their production of Hazelnut sweets.

Hazelnut in Pastry has always been widely used, but unfortunately not always in the right way. To guarantee its quality, it is necessary to use a particular roasting, at low temperatures (below 200°C) and for long times. If toasted at 200°C or more, the hazelnut oils would reach their smoke point and burn, thus becoming harmful to our health and giving a bitter taste to the fruit. This is why we roast at 180 °, to be sure of preserving the taste, goodness and positive nutrients of the Hazelnut.

From Hazelnuts we also obtain the raw materials for our desserts: flour, grains and pasta, always with attention to the manufacturing processes. The result? Healthy and safe products, but also very greedy!

We are building our e-commerce, meanwhile you can buy our products directly from us writing us a message to ask for the catalogue:

3 + 13 =

Toasted Hazelnuts

Chopped Hazelnuts

Hazelnut Flour

Hazelnut Paste

Salty toasted Hazelnuts

Chilli toasted Hazelnuts

Sugar toasted Hazelnuts

Cinnamon Hazelnuts

Torta Cortemilia

Torta l'Altra

Crema Barué Gianduja

Crema Barué Bianca

Baci di Dama

Brutti ma Buoni

Biscotti Cortemilia

Biscotti Gianduja




Baci di Cortemilia